Ringers Wanted

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Hollywood United Methodist Church in Hollywood, CA has several positions open for ringers in our Bellebration Ringers Bell Choir. We ring on 5 octaves of Malmark Handbells and typically participate in our 11:00AM traditional worship service once a month October through June. We are a progressive congregation in the heart of Hollywood and our doors are open to everyone who wants to share God’s love. Our Music Ministry strives to present music of excellence. Experienced ringers can join at any time of the season. New ringers can inquire about our Beginning Ringers Class. Rehearsals are on Sunday afternoons following worship at 12:30pm. Please reach out to Debbie Shaw, Handbell Director for more information or to join us!

Expires 4/8



Be sure to also check out our Area 12 Member Websites, to contact groups directly about potential openings.


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