
Area 12 is pleased to offer the following scholarships for those attending an Area 12 Conference or Director’s Workshop, or a National Seminar or other director event.

The Patty Marquart Scholarship offers financial assistance for a director who wishes to attend the Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar, currently held each summer.

The Jim Scott Memorial Scholarship provides funds for one ringer and one director attending their first Area 12 conference (usually held biennially in June/July).

The Mel Tully Memorial Scholarship will provide financial assistance for conductors attending an event that improves a beginning director’s skills.  This includes.but is not limited to an Area 12 director’s workshop, Handbell Musicians of America Master Class (directing), Handbell Musicians of America Virtual Winter Workshop, Handbell Musicians of America National Seminar.

For details and to download applications, please click the links above.

Make an online donation in support of our scholarships via PayPal.  Please include a note to identify which scholarship(s) the donated funds should be applied to.  If you’d prefer to mail a check rather than donating via PayPal, please email our Past Chair at [email protected] for instructions.