Congratulations to Carol Flint, elected as Secretary, and Kathy Arnold, re-elected as Treasurer. They will begin their term two-year term immediately (nominally expiring August 31, 2026).
Check out information about THREE Spring Rings coming up in May and much more. Read here.
A reminder, the deadline to vote is Sunday night for the Secretary and Treasurer candidates. All HMA members in good standing with voting privileges (excluding Sub Members, Student members) are eligible to vote. Please check out the candidates here and...
The latest issue of the Twelfth Tone Newsletter has dropped. Information on elections, 2/8 Director’s workshop (Livermore) and more. Read it here.
Your Area 12 board met Saturday, January 25 to work on future events. Welcome to new Social Media Director Harvey Glenn, and new Southern California Regional Coordinator Carol Pickford.
Area 12 is excited to offer an easy way to add your event to our online calendar. Just fill out a simple form on our site and let your ad or event get the attention it deserves! Submit an Event Submit an Ad