We want to connect with you, and help you connect with others in Area 12. Ensembles of all sizes, as well as soloists, are encouraged to add your name to our online directory. Click here to fill out our online form and have your information added.
Northern California
Carillons Handbell Choir, Redding
RiverBells, Sacramento
Westminster Ringers, Sacramento
San Francisco Bay Area
Asbury Ringers (Asbury United Methodist Church), Livermore
Bay Bells, Palo Alto
Bell Appeal, San Francisco
Handbell Ventures, San Francisco Bay Area
Laudate Ringers (St. Joseph Church, Mission San Jose), Fremont
Michèle Sharik, Northern California
Rolling Tones, Benicia
Sonos Handbell Ensemble, San Francisco Bay Area
Tapestry, San Francisco Bay Area
Velocity, Oakland
Central California
Christine Anderson, soloist, Frazier Park
Opus Handbell Ensemble, Modesto
Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
Cathedral Bells, Orange
The Dickens Handchime Choir, LA and Orange Counties
L.A. Bronze, Glendale
Pacific Bells, LA and Orange Counties
Ringers by the Sea, Rancho Palos Verdes
South County Community Handbell Choirs, San Clemente
Timbré, Clarmont
Southern California
San Diego Harmony Ringers, San Diego
Harmony Handbells, Las Vegas Area
Tintabulations, Reno
Hawaii Handbells, Oahu